The Power of Happy NEW

  NTX 251 Winter/Spring 2025
  6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  Northfield Campus
  Jan Hincapie

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When a situation arises do you have the "Yes, we can do it!" attitude or do you say "It'll never work." The ispiration for this session is one of the speaker's colleagues. Kristina, who in the prime of her life, was given a life sentence with Stage IV cancer of the breast and liver, and then a reoccurrence three years later with a brain tumor. She refuses to give up, and largely due to her positive attitude, she is alive and allowing her inspiring story to be shared. jan will present ten tips for staying positive, and how being happy can change your life and the lives of those around you. You will leave this session with perspective, realizing how incredibly fortunate you are to be right where you are right now!

Location: NT Northfield